

學(xué)術(shù)信息:  前沿科學(xué)報告(一千)



報告題目:Working with Sensor Data within the IoT

報告人:Chris D Nugent 教授、Samuel Moore博士




科技處 阿爾斯特學(xué)院







Chris is currently the Head of the School of Computing at Ulster University, director of the Pervasive Computing Research Centre, Principal Investigator of the PWC Advanced Research and Engineering centre at Ulster University and co-Principal Investigator of the Connected Health Innovation Centre.

Chris was awarded a first class honours in BEng Electronic Systems and a PhD in Biomedical Engineering entitled An intelligent framework for the classification of the 12-lead ECG, both from the University of Ulster in 1995 and 1998, respectively. He has also successfully completed a Post Graduate Certificate in University teaching at Ulster University in 2002 and during 2015 became a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. He has held visiting Professorships at Halmstad University (Sweden) and the University of Florence (Italy) and is currently a visiting Professor in Pervasive and Mobile Computing at Lulea Technical University (Sweden). In 2016 he was awarded a Senior Distinguished Research Fellowship by Ulster University.

His research interests include the development and evaluation of technologies to support pervasive healthcare within smart environments. Specifically, this has involved research in the topics of mobile based reminding solutions, activity recognition and behaviour modelling and more recently technology adoption modelling. He has published over 700 papers in these areas and currently has an h-index of 54. He is currently ranked 248 in the UK for Research in Computer Science (Research.com) and is highest ranked member of staff from Ulster to have been included in the rankings.

To date he has successfully supervised 44 PhD students to completion. Of these he has been the External Supervisor of 2 PhD students from Lulea Technical University and 1 PhD student from the University of Florence. He has also been the External supervisor of 1 MPhil student from Queens University Belfast.

He has been instrumental in initiating, preparing, supporting and managing a number of externally funded Research Projects. In general the research efforts have been aligned with the EPSRCs Ageing Research programme and EU initiatives in Personal Health and Wellbeing and Ambient Assisted Living. The total funding allocated to Ulster as a result of these projects is in excess of £33M. He has been a Principle Investigator for funding which has been secured from the EPSRC, ESRC, European Union, InvestNI, DEL, Alzheimers Association, HSC R&D Office and the AAL Program.

He currently serves as the outgoing Program Chair for the Technology Professional Interest Area of the Alzheimers Association (US) and since 2008 has served as an Associate Editor for the Editorial Board of the IEEE Engineering Medicine and Biology Conference, Healthcare Information Systems Theme.



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